When it comes to gifting are you naughty or nice? Naughty people leave their holiday shopping until the last minute and are scrounging just to get anything out the door, hopefully to arrive in time. Nice gift givers are planners that go to the store- be it physical or virtual – with a list in hand and on a mission.
A well organized list will include pertinent information including the recipients age (or age range), sizes, colors, budgets, shipping addresses and my favorite- a section to mark off when its been completed. Its not a bad idea to include some potential gift ideas as well.
You may have heard that saying “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail“, well it is definitely applicable to this endeavor. Get ahead of the game, take some time to think about those on your list, write it down so that you aren’t wandering aimlessly down the virtual or retail aisles during the busiest time of the year. Taking on the traffic and the mobs of people without a plan in hand is enough to make anyone who is nice, well, a bit not so nice and a bit grumpy and naughty.
Now of course, there are some, that even with a list in hand are overwhelmed and just don’t have the time, or talent for choosing the right gift. If this rings true for you, well guess what? You can just give us a call and we can do all the hard work for you. It’s what we do best, so you can focus on what you do best.
I think its safe to say here at Tinsel & Bow we like to think of ourselves as nice gift givers. To prove our point, we made a free template of a holiday gift list you can use to get you started. It can be printed or filled out electronically and customized to your liking. If you haven’t already signed up to receive our emails do so now and it will be sent straight to your inbox.
We would love to know how our list works for you! We also want you to tell us which kind of gift-giver are you? Naughty or Nice?
